Since its introduction in May of 2006, the LGBTQ+ Fund of Vermont has made nearly 2,500 awards to nonprofits around Vermont and across the U.S. Here is a listing of many of the nonprofits that have received funding from the LGBTQ+ Fund of Vermont.
American Cancer Society * Brain Injury Association of Vermont * Cancer Patient Support Program * Clara Martin Center * Community Health Center of Burlington * Counseling Service of Addison County * Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center * Geraghty Lyme Foundation * Gifford Medical Center * Healing Winds Vermont * Howard Center * Leukemia & Lymphoma Society * Lisa Battilana Memorial Fund * March of Dimes * Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center * Movember Foundation * MS Society * Muscular Dystrophy Association * National Multiple Schlerosis Society * New England Organ Ban * Northeast Disabled Athletic Association * Open Door Clinic * Patient Choices Vermont * Partners in Health * People’s Health & Wellness Clinic * Rutland Area VNA & Hospice * Shriners Hospital for Children * Smile Train * The Autism Puzzle Foundation * The Jimmy Fund * The Turning Point Center of Chittenden County * Travis Roy Foundation * Vermont Alzheimer’s Association * Vermont Children’s Hospital * Vermont Coalition of Clinics for the Uninsured * Visiting Nurse Association * White River Valley Ambulance
Museums / Cultural Centers
Abenaki Tribal Museum & Cultural Center * Braintree Historical Society * Cornish Colony Museum * Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History * Lake Champlain Maritime Museum * Main Street Museum * National Museum of African American History & Culture * National Women’s History Museum * Native American Heritage Association * North Hero Historical Society * Robert Hull Fleming Museum * Rokeby Museum * Shelburne Farms * Shelburne Museum * Vermont Folklife Center * Vermont Historical Society * White Pine Association
Peace & Justice Center * Peace Resource Center of Bennington * Project Against Violent Encounters * RESIST
Art on Main * Bryan Memorial Gallery * Burlington High School Drama Club * Capital City Concerts * Carnegie Hall Society * Central Vermont Chamber Music Festival * Chaffee Arts Center * Champlain Philharmonic Orchestra * Chandler Center for the Arts * ELEVA Chamber Players * Flynn Center for the Performing Arts * Friends of the Vergennes Opera House * Frog Hollow Craft Association * Grass Roots Arts and Community Effort * Green Mountain Film Festival * Green Mountain Mahler Festival * Lost Nation Theater * Lyric Theater Company * Me2/orchestra * Montpelier Chamber Orchestra Society * Mountain Lake PBS * New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) * Northern Stage * Opera North * Paramount Theater * Pride Films & Plays * River Arts * RUHS Theater Program * Sounding Joy! * Studio Place Arts * The Arts Bus Project * The Commons Group at the Skinner Barn * The Hippodrome Theater * The New Heritage Theater Group * Town Hall Theater * T.W. Wood Gallery & Arts Center * Vermont Arts Council * Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble * Vermont Mozart Festival * Vermont PBS * Vermont Philharmonic * Vermont Stage * Vermont Symphony Orchestra * Vermont Youth Orchestra Association * Very Merry Theater * VSA Vermont
Alachua Conservation Trust * Appalachian Mountain Club * Audubon Vermont * Bike Recycle Vermont * Catamount Trail Association * Center for an Agricultural Economy * Citizens Awareness Network * Defenders of Wildlife * ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain * Engaging Schools * Environmental Defense Fund * Evidence Action * Florida Springs Institute * Galapagos Conservancy * Green Mountain Club * Hinesburg Land Trust * Intervale Foundation * Lake Champlain Committee * Lake Champlain Land Trust * Local Motion * National Audubon Society * National Park Foundation * Natural Resources Defense Fund * New England Tropical Conservatory * Northeast Kingdom Audubon Society * Northern Rivers Land Trust * Preservation Trust of Vermont * Putnam Land Conservancy * Resource * Rock Point School * Sierra Club * Sierra Club – Vermont Chapter * Save the Manatee Club * Smart Growth Vermont * South Hero Land Trust * The Arbor Day Foundation * The Jane Goodall Institute * The Nature Conservancy * The Nature Conservancy of Vermont * The Trust for Public Land * Union of Concerned Scientists * Vermont Bicycle & Pedestrian Coalition * Vermont Institute of Natural Science * Vermont Land Trust * Vermont Natural Resources Council * Vermont River Conservancy * Vermont Youth Conservation Corps * Wildlife Conservation Network
AIDS Services
Aid for AIDS * AIDS Walk Boston * AIDS/LifeCycle * AIDS Project of Southern Vermont * Comprehensive AIDS Project of Palm Beach County * Foundation for Integrative AIDS Research * God's Love We Deliver * HIV/HCV Resource Center * The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation * Triangle AIDS Network * Vermont CARES
Humane Shelters
ASPCA * Central Vermont Humane Society * Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee * Franklin County Animal Rescue * Friends of the North Attleboro Animal Shelter * Green Mountain Animal Defenders * Homeward Bound * Humane Society of Chittenden County * Kingdom Animal Shelter * Lucy MacKenzie Humane Society * Poodle Rescue of Vermont * Rutland County Humane Society * Seaside Seabird Sanctuary * The Boxer Rescue * The New England Anti-Vivisection Society * Vermont Companion Animal Neutering
Addison Community Action * Boston Area Gleaners * Burlington Meals on Wheels * Champlain Community Services * Charlotte Food Shelf * Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf * Citymeals on Wheels * El Sol Neighborhood Resource Center * Feeding America * Friends of the World Food Program * Hardwick Area Food Pantry * Hunger Free Vermont * Northfield Food Bank * Onion River Food Shelf * Randolph Area Food Shelf * Rutland Area Food & Farm Link * UNICEF * Vermont Campaign to End Childhood Hunger * Vermont Foodbank * Williston Community Food Shelf
Alice Lloyd College * Blue Mountain Union School * Bucknell University * Central Vermont Adult Basic Education * Champlain College * Champlain Valley Head Start * Cornell University Law School * Dartmouth College Fund * Dartmouth GLBT Alumni/ae Association * Edmunds Middle School * Fletcher “Buster” Brush Memorial Scholarship Fund * Friends of WUFT/WJUF-FM * Gun Sense Vermont Education Fund * Heidelberg University * Hollins University * Institute for Humane Education * Institute for Sustainable Communities * Kinhaven Music School * LSU Flagship Annual Fund * LSU Foundation * Middlebury Bread Loaf School of English * Middlebury Studio School * Monteverdi Music School * Murray State University * National Public Radio * NECI Scholarship Fund * New Hampshire Public Radio * North Country Public Radio * Otterbein College * Phi Beta Kappa Society * Phillips Brooks House Association * St. Paul’s School * Serve Endowment * Slow Food USA * St. Paul’s School * The Bishop Douglas Theuner Scholarship Fund * The City College of New York * The Curtis Fund of the General Education Fund * The Ensworth School * The Schoolhouse * The Smith Fund * United Negro College Fund * University of Nebraska Foundation * The University of Vermont Foundation * Vermont Bar Foundation * Vermont Cheese Council * Vermont Commons School * Vermont Fresh Network * Vermont Public Interest Research & Education Fund * Vermont Public Radio * White Mountain School * Yestermorrow Design/Build School
Addison County Readers * Bethel Library * Bennington Free Library * Bixby Memorial Free Library * Brown Public Library * Carpenter-Carse Library * Center for Media and Democracy * Elise Publishing Institute * Everybody Wins! Vermont * Fletcher Free Library * Fractured Atlas * Kimball Public Library * Friends of the New Haven Community Library * Guilford Free Library * Jeudevine Memorial Library * Kellogg-Hubbard Library * Millicent Library * Mother Jones * Mountain Pride Media * Pro Publica * Rutland Free Library * South Hero Community Library * The Bridge * Vermont Council on the Humanities * Vermont Humanities Council * Vermont Journalism Trust
Care for the Elderly and Disabled
AARP Foundation * Addison County Home Health & Hospice * Age Well * Area Agency on Aging for Northeastern Vermont * Central Vermont Council on Aging * Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice * Champlain Community Services * Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources * Charlotte Senior Center * Compassion & Choices * Elderly Services * Final Exit Network * Greater Randolph Senior Center * Home Share Now * HomeShare Vermont * Hospice of Queen Anne’s County * Hospice Volunteer Services * Montpelier Senior Activity Center * Park House * Pierce Hall Community Center * Quintown Center for Senior Citizens * Safeline * SAGE * Special Olympics Vermont * The Greater Northfield Senior Citizens * Twin Valley Senior Center
Civil Rights
ACLU Foundation * ACLU Foundation of Vermont * African Great Lakes Initiative * Amnesty International USA * Commemorative Air Force Red Tail Squadron * Courage Campaign * Equality Florida Institute * Equal Justice Initiative * GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) * Have Justice – Will Travel * Human Rights Campaign Foundation * LAMBDA Legal * Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation * Migrant Justice * NAACP * NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund * National Center for Lesbian Rights * Native American Rights Fund * Polaris Project * Pride Community Center of North Central Florida * Public Assets Institute * Pride Center of Vermont * Rights & Democracy Education Fund * Silvia Rivera Law Project * Southern Legal Counsel * Southern Poverty Law Center * Texas Civil Rights Project * The National Center for Reason & Justice * Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force * Vermonters for Criminal Justice Reform * Will Miller Social Justice Lecture Series
Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice * Bethany United Church of Christ * Bishop’s Discretionary Fund of the Episcopal Diocese * Cathedral Church of St. Paul * Christ Church * Episcopal Divinity School * Federated Church of Rochester * First Congregational Church of Randolph * First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington * Friends of the Unitarian Universalist Association * Islamic Society of Vermont * Joint Urban Ministry Project * New Hampshire Episcopal News * Ohavi Zedek Synagogue * Order of St. Helena * St. Vincent DePaul Society * Shao Shan Spiritual Practice Center * South Hero Congregational Church * St. Paul’s Episcopal Church * St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church * The Society of Saint John the Evangelist * Unitarian Church of Montpelier * Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Ali Forney Center * Bennington Coalition for the Homeless * Central Vermont Community Action Council * Champlain Housing Trust * Charlotte County Homeless Coalition * Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS) * Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity * Habitat for Humanity * John Graham Housing & Services * Randolph Ecumenical Council on Housing * Southeastern Vermont Community Action * Vermont Community Loan Fund
Women’s Issues
AWARE * Broward Women’s Emergency Fund * Caroline Baird Crichfield Memorial Fund for Women * Center for Reproductive Rights * FINCA International * Global Fund for Women * Guttmacher Institute * Mama Says * Mercy Connections * NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation * National Organization for Women Foundation * National Women’s Health Network * Planned Parenthood Federation of America * Planned Parenthood of Northern New England * Planned Parenthood of South, East, and North Florida * Safe Abortions for Everyone * Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation * Vermont Access to Reproductive Freedom * Vermont Works for Women * Women for Women International * Women Helping Battered Women * Women's Rape Crisis Center * Womensafe
Jarred Williams Foundation * National Life Group Foundation * The Samara Fund of the Vermont Community Foundation * The Vermont Women's Fund
Relief Agencies
ACCION International * Americans Caring Teaching Sharing (Honduras) * Amnesty International * Association of Africans Living in Vermont * Central Vermont Refugee Action Network * Doctors Without Borders * First Nations Development Institute * Grameen Foundation * Heifer International * International Rescue Committee * Kiva Microfunds * Living Goods * Navajo Relief Fund * Oxfam America * Phulmaya Foundation * SHARE El Salvador Foundation * The Carter Center * Town of Bethel Disaster Relief Fund * U.S. Coast Guard Foundation * U.S. Committee for Refugees & Immigrants * Vermont Disaster Relief Fund * Vermont Haiti Project * Vermont Irene Flood Relief Fund * Vermont Refugee Assistance * Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program
Youth & Family Services
Addison County Parent/Child Center * Boys and Girls Club of Brattleboro * Boys and Girls Club of Burlington * Boys & Girls Club of Greater Vergennes * Camp Exclamation Point * Catamount Outdoor Family Center * Champlain Islands Parent Child Center * Children’s Equitation Center * Children’s Literacy Foundation * Family Center of Washington County * Friends of Dartmouth Field Hockey * Friends of Dartmouth Lacrosse * Friends of Dartmouth Rugby * Girls Move Mountains * Laraway Youth & Family Services * Little Sisters Fund * Makula Fund for Children * March for Our Lives * NECI Alphabet Soup Group * Outright Vermont * Saving Teens in Crisis Collaborative * Spectrum Youth & Family Services * Springfield Family Center * Sunrise Family Resource Center * The Main Idea at Camp Walden * The Trevor Project * U.S. Lacrosse Foundation * Vermont Children’s Trust Fund * Vermont Kin as Parents * Vermont Parent Representation Center * Voices for Vermont Children
Local Community Support
Brookfield Community Partnership * Burlington Dismas House * Capstone Community Action * Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity * CV Shareheat Fund * Ferrisburgh Community Playground Project * Foxboro Discretionary Fund * Friends of the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail * Grand Isle Rescue Squad * Guilford Volunteer Fire Department * Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects * Hinesburg Fire Department & First Response Team * Hooks Cemetery Association * Hope on the Rise * MADRE * Nashville Opportunities Industrialization Center * North Hero Volunteer Fire Department * Northwestern State Softball * Randolph Area Community Development Corporation * Richmond Rescue * St. Michael’s College Fire & Rescue Squad * South Hero Rescue Squad * South Hero Volunteer Fire Department * Triangle House Initiative * United Way * United Way of Addison County * United Way of Bennington County * United Way of Northwest Vermont * United Way of Rutland County * WARMTH * Whole Heart